At Jack in the Box we regard snack and lunch time as an important part of the setting’s day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating.  At snack time we aim to provide nutritious food, which meets the children’s individual dietary needs.

Staff are required to do the Food Hygiene course, and the training is always cascaded down during staff training so all staff are aware of good practise.  Staff are made aware of hygiene when preparing the snack.  They must make sure that they wash their hands & make sure that the surface they are using is sprayed with antibacterial spray before starting to prepare the food.  All food is stored in the correct place and all dates are checked before using. We are registered with the Environmental Health Authority and follow the thorough guidelines as set out in their better business pack.

Children’s allergies are on display so that all staff can see and make sure those children don’t have anything they are allergic to.  We also speak to the children involved so that they are aware what they are allergic to.  We comply with The Food Standard agency and have a record of all the foods we serve at snack time or through cooking activities. We display an allergen poster and any foods given to the children will always have a record of Allergens present.  We review this regularly and ask that parents keep us up to date with their child’s dietary needs.

We take care not to provide food containing nuts or nut products and are especially vigilant where we have a child who has a known allergy to nuts.

We have an open snack time where children can choose to come and have their snack when they want, they are encouraged to wash their hands with soap so as not to get poorly tummies and spread germs. They are given a choice of three food items to eat and a choice of milk and water to drink to develop their independence, serving food and drink and feeding themselves.  This is also a time for them to sit and relax and have social time with their friends and staff.

Since the outbreak of Coronavirus our routines have changed. Children wash their hands before and after eating and staff will serve the food and drink to the children, still offering a choice but ensuring there is less risk of sharing food or drinks.  Staff where blue gloves to serve the snack. Sept 2020 This is still ongoing Sept 22

Fresh drinking water is made readily available to children at all times; children are encouraged to help themselves to drinks, assisting them where appropriate.  We provide small cups for the children.  We encourage children to ask for drinks especially after physical play or in hot temperatures.

We also offer milk for the children to have a choice and also to educate them that they need milk to make their bones grow and be strong.

We offer the children a wide variety of healthy and nutritious snacks, rotating them each day.  The children have a menu on display so that they can see what is on offer that day. We ask parents to donate healthy snacks keeping them involved in what the children have.

We like to include foods from different cultures giving the children an opportunity to try a variety of foods, especially during festivals and celebrations.

We ask that where parents bring food into the setting, whether for snack, cultural celebrations or to celebrate a child’s birthday that all food is either in the original packaging or we have a list of the ingredients(if homemade) so we can inform parents of the allergens present. Without this we will unfortunately be able to give to the children.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 all contributions of food as stopped. Sept 2020

At lunch time children bring in their own lunch boxes from home, or purchased from the café.  Parents are encouraged to provide their children with a healthy lunch, without sweets, fizzy drinks or nut products.  Children are asked to wash their hands with soap before and after they have eaten. Staff sit with the children to eat their lunch so that the mealtime is a social occasion and they are there to educate and encourage the children about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise.

There is always a first aider on site at all meal times, snack and lunch.  Staff are also expected to spread themselves out so there is a staff member at each table to support “Safer Eating” to ensure they can see and hear the child in case of choking.  Children are not left alone at snack times.

The children are spaced out at their tables to prevent the risk of children touching or consuming other children’s food.

Providers must notify Ofsted within 14 days of any food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on the premises.

Published: 11th January 2024
Review: January 2025
© Jack in the Box Playgroup Limited trading as Jack in the Box Preschool.