The setting is situated within The Wave Centre.  There is disabled parking and ramp access to the building. The centre also has disabled toilet facilities.

The setting itself is all on ground level with access to a large playground area.  Areas of the garden, ramps, drains, steps, are marked out with a defining colour to aid children with visual impairment. We operate a free flow policy, where the children can access the toilets themselves and move freely between the inside and outside environment.   Our toilet area is not suitable for wheelchair access. Access to the outside area is via a ramp. The garden has clear pathways to each area and an additional ramp for the split levels.

Around the setting we have lots of photo’s that act as prompts and reminders to all the children but also help those with English as an additional language.

We are not a specialist setting; however   we are a setting with experienced and professional staff who make it their jobs to work closely with their key person families ensuring they fully understand each individual need and requirement. We are able to offer good knowledge and are able to point the families in the right direction of other professionals where required. We have in the past worked with families who have Children with special, educational needs and have been able to support the families.

We are a setting who attends training to enhance our own knowledge and are always accommodating to attend training that will enhance the learning and support of any individual child and where a child has special medical requirements, we would work closely with the parents to ensure we are being inclusive. All staff have been trained in “Meeting the needs of a child with ASD” This was a specialist training that was given to help staff support a child with in the setting with a diagnosis of Autism.  We would work with health visitors and where applicable, staff would have specialist training in the administration of any medication or procedures of that that would be required during the child’s normal day. This would help allow the child to attend the preschool with minimal disruption, or we would be accommodating and welcome any parent who needs to come in to attend to their child’s medical needs.  This may be essential, helpful and more reassuring for all involved during the first initial few weeks.

Staff work closely with all children to identify all their individual needs, we do this through a graduated approach as set out in the SEND Code of practice, following the main principles. We Assess, plan, Do, Review. The child’s voice is very important to us and involvement with the parent/carers is paramount.   Learning journals are individual to each child, this is a working document that records their achievements and progress, it enables staff to track the child’s progress and plan for their individual needs. This is shared with the parent’s regularly and they are actively encouraged to contribute to this. As well as using the EYFS to track a child’s progress we may also use speech and language monitoring tools for English speaking or English as an additional language. These tools help us have a more accurate focus on a child’s speech.  Where it’s felt a child is not achieving at the expected rate the key worker will bring it to the attention of the parent and work closely with them, the SENCO, the staff and other agencies that may need to be involved.  Planning would be adjusted and set to the individual child’s needs so they reach their full potential. Where necessary child centred plans determining the outcomes would be put in place with the parent’s involvement, and these would be monitored regularly.  Any reports from other professional persons working with the child we would action their comments and suggestions putting any strategies into place and ensuring all staff are aware of these. We may also use the National Strategies for extra support and guidance.

If as a parent you have concerns about your child at any point during their time at the setting regarding their health and/ or wellbeing we would like to think that we are very welcoming, friendly and approachable. We feel we build good parent partnerships which allow us to have honest, open and sensitive conversations with the parents. We understand parents play a vital part in the development of their children and that as main carers they best know the child.

As a setting we carry out daily risk assessments of our environment. Where it would be deemed necessary a personal individual risk assessment would be carried out with the parent’s involvement, to ensure the needs of the child are met, and where practically possible we would do our best to adapt to accommodate  these. We like to go on two outings a year but these can only happen with parent’s participation and separate risk assessments are done for both. We would work with the parent to ensure their child is included in all activities as far as possible and their experience would be a positive one.

Jenny Ellis is the named SENCO/INCO ,she attends regular meetings and keeps the setting up to date with all new policies and legislation.  Her role means she works closely with the staff, parents and child of those with identified special educational needs and will liaise with other professionals about the development of the child.

We don’t have any allocation of funding with Children with Special Educational Needs but would source what is available from The Government.

Jack in the Box Preschool has a wealth of Policies and Procedures that would explain our ethos of work and our Website can be accessed for all this and further information with contact details of ourselves and enrolment forms.

For any further enquiries please contact:
Jenny Ellis- Manger and SENCO
Jack in the Box Preschool
Broadwater Baptist Church
Dominion Road
BN14 8JL
Tel; 07775 750456

Published: 11th September 2024
Review: September 2025
© Jack in the Box Playgroup Limited trading as Jack in the Box Preschool.