In the likelihood of the setting having to close before our opening times, we would make every effort to contact all the parents as soon as possible and with reason as to our closure.  This would be done via Facebook, email, our website and for those without internet access, where possible we would phone.  If we were unable to contact those parents, then we would stay at the setting if it was safe to do so and inform the parent as they arrived for school that morning.

If the setting was to close during the session, then we would first follow our evacuation drill if the building was unsafe to be in.  Once in a safe place then we would contact all our children’s parents for them to collect and inform them of our whereabouts and reason for closure.  If we were unable to contact their parents, then we would try all the other emergencies contacts until someone was able to collect them.

We would always remain with the children until all have been collected.

If the setting was to close, all fees due to us would still apply as our overheads are still to be met unless an insurance claim was able to be made.

Published: 11th September 2024
Review: September 2025
© Jack in the Box Playgroup Limited trading as Jack in the Box Preschool.