Jack in the box Preschool realises that social networking has now become an integral part of everyday life and that many people enjoy membership of social network sites such as Facebook or Twitter.  However, we are also well aware that these sites can become a negative forum for complaining or gossiping and care must be taken not to breach our confidentiality policy or offend anyone when using these sites.

The following policy has been designed to give staff members clear guidelines as to what we at Jack in the Box expect of our staff when accessing these sites.

The absence of, or lack of explicit reference to a specific site does not limit the extent of the application of this policy.  Where no policy or guideline exists, employees should use their professional judgement and take the most prudent action possible.  Consult with your manager or supervisor if you are uncertain.

Breach of confidentiality will result in disciplinary action and may result in the termination of your contract.

When using social networking sites staff members should give due regard to the following:

  • Personal blogs should have clear disclaimers that the news expressed by the author in the blog is the author’s alone and do not represent the view of the playgroup. Be clear and write in first person.  Make your writing clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of the playgroup.
  • Information published on your blog(s) should comply with Jack in the Box Playgroup confidentiality policy. This also applies to comments posted on other blogs, forums and social networking sites.
  • Always be respectful to
    • The Preschool
    • Other staff members
    • Parents and relatives
    • Children
    • Partners
    • Competitors

Staff should be aware that any disrespectful comments to the above may be seen as libellous.

  • Social media activities should not interfere with work commitments.
  • Remember at all times in or out of working hours you are an ambassador for Jack in the Box your online presence reflects on the setting. Be aware that your actions captured via images, post or comments can reflect on our setting.

Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare/safeguarding Jan 2011

  • Do not reference or site Jack in the Box parents or children without their express consent.
  • Respect copyright laws, and reference or cite sources appropriately. Plagiarism applies online as well.
  • Preschool Logos and trademarks may not be used without written consent.
  • Any Employee, who becomes aware of social networking activity that would be deemed distasteful, should make their manager aware.

During the time in which staff are employed at Jack in the Box we ask that they do not “friend request “ or accept any “friend requests” from parent/carer’s or other family members while children attend the setting.  We also ask that parent/carer’s respect our policy and don’t friend request  the staff.

At Jack in the Box Preschool we ask that staff do not babysit for any of our parents children at any time.  This is for the protection of the reputation of the setting and of our staff.

Jack in the Box Preschool have their own Face Book page that is edited by the Manager with content provided by the Assistant Manager.  This site is regularly checked for any miss use .  We will not put any photo’s of the children from the setting on our site without permission from the parent.

Published: 11th September 2024
Review: September 2025
© Jack in the Box Playgroup Limited trading as Jack in the Box Playgroup.