At Jack in the Box we aim to ensure financial stability of the setting by having a fair and consistent process. At all times the Preschool policy on fee payment will remain fair and reasonable.

An invoice for the fees owed will be issued to the parent/carer of each child.

Fee payment will be either full term or half term in advance and within the date stated on the bill. However, other payment terms can be discussed and subsequently agreed with the Manager  in extreme circumstances and in confidence. These payment terms will need to be put in writing by the parent /carer as an agreed contract of payment.

It should be noted that fees are payable when a child is absent, either through illness or holiday.This rule is applied as a place within the Preschool has been reserved for each child.

If fees are not paid within the allocated 14 days, a red invoice will be issued and payment must be paid within 7 days of this notice.

If payment is still not received after the 7 days notice or a payment plan has not been agreed by the Setting Manager, then a final warning letter will be issued with a £10 administration fee. If after another 7 days payment has still not been received, your child(ren) will be unable to use our services and will lose their allocated place.

At this stage Jack in the Box Preschool will immediately begin court proceedings to claim fees owed and any other charges incurred.

Giving Notice

If you decide you no longer want your child to attend the setting then 4 weeks written notice is required.  This applies to all children, whether funded or not. If you are moving to another setting you must make them aware of this.

Cost of Fees at the time of writing this policy;

All fees apply to the age of the child at the time of starting. If the child is two years when they start and turn three during that term, the fees will not change until the end of the half term after their birthday.

For Two year olds £6.80 per hour

For three/four year olds £6.50 per hour.

Published: 22nd May 2024
Review: September 2025
© Jack in the Box Playgroup Limited trading as Jack in the Box Preschool.