Children benefit from being taken out of the setting to go on visits or trips to the local park or other suitable venues for activities which enhance their learning experiences. Staff ensure there are procedures in place to keep children are safe on outings.

  • Parents sign a general consent form with their registration pack, but will also have a more specific form to sign to give consent for each major outing.
  • A risk assessment is carried out before an outing takes place, and all staff, parents, volunteers are all made aware of this assessment. If the outing is repetitive on a regular basis, to the same place, eg to the local library then a risk assessment will only be done on an annual basis and not each time a trip is to occur.
  • Our adult to child ratio is high, normally one adult to two children, depending on the sensibility and their age and the type of venue.
  • Named children are assigned to individual staff and helpers to ensure each child is individually supervised, to ensure no child goes astray, and there is no unauthorised access to children.
  • Outings are recorded and kept at the setting. This includes: date and times of the outing, venue, detailed register including staff and volunteers, and evaluated after each trip.
  • Staff take a mobile phone, walkie talkies, tissues, wipes a small first aid box, snacks and water. The amount of equipment will vary depending on the venue.
  • Staff will take a list of children and their contact numbers.
  • If appropriate we would keep records of the vehicles used to transport children, with named drivers and appropriate insurance cover. We normally ask parents to meet us at the venues, so anyone who gives another child a lift is done at your own discretion and we will not be held responsible for any loss, damage to any vehicle or accident that may occur.
  • When we are on our outings the setting WILL be closed.

Published: 11th September 2024
Review: September 2025
© Jack in the Box Playgroup Limited trading as Jack in the Box Preschool.