Policy statement
Jack in the Box Preschool believes that the health and safety of children is of paramount importance. We make our setting a safe and healthy place for children, parents, staff and volunteers.
- We aim to make children, parents and staff aware of health and safety issues and to minimise the hazards and risks to enable the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment.
- The member of staff responsible for health and safety is: Niki Howard
- She is competent to carry out their responsibilities
- Health and safety training is carried out and cascaded down to staff and regular update training is carried out.
- We display the necessary health and safety poster in our office.
Insurance cover
We have public liability insurance and employer’s liability insurance. The certificate for public liability insurance is displayed on our notice board in the corridor.
Awareness raising
- Our induction training for staff and volunteers includes a clear explanation of health and safety issues so that all adults are able to adhere to our policy and procedures as they understand their shared responsibility for health and safety. The induction training covers matters of employee well-being, including safe lifting and the storage of potentially dangerous substances.
- Records will be kept of these induction training sessions and new staff and volunteers are asked to sign the records to confirm that they have taken part.
- Staff attend health and safety training were necessary and is cascaded down to staff at staff meetings.
- We operate a no-smoking policy.
- Children are made aware of health and safety issues through discussion, planned activities and routines.
Safety of adults
- Adults are provided with guidance about the safe storage, movement, lifting and erection of large pieces of equipment.
- Adults are asked to use the correct equipment when they need to reach up high for equipment.
- Adults do not remain in the building on their own or leave on their own after dark.
- The sickness of staff and their involvement in accidents is recorded.
- We keep all cleaning chemicals in their original containers and out of the reach of children.
- Staff annually sign a medical/incident declaration informing us of any changes to their health or personal situation. Staff medication is recorded and filed.
- Through regular 1:1 meetings with manager, staff will be asked about their health and well being and will be supported where necessary.
- We would report to RIDDOR for any work-related accidents or incidents.
- We take precautions to prevent children’s fingers from being trapped in doors.
- Glass doors are made from materials that prevent accidental breakage.
- All floor surfaces are checked daily to ensure they are clean and not uneven, wet or damaged.
- All electrical equipment conforms to safety requirements and are checked regularly. All electrical equipment is PAT tested annually, arranged via The Church.
- Heaters, electric sockets, wires and leads are properly guarded.
- Storage heaters are checked daily to make sure they are not covered.
- There are sufficient sockets to prevent overloading.
- The temperature of hot water is controlled to prevent scalds.
- Lighting and ventilation is adequate in all areas including storage areas.
- All resources and materials from which children select are stored safely.
- All equipment and resources are stored or stacked safely to prevent them accidentally falling or collapsing.
Outdoor area
- Our outdoor area is securely fenced.
- Our outdoor area is checked for safety and cleared of rubbish before it is used.
- Adults and children are alerted to the dangers of poisonous plants.
- Where water can form a pool on equipment, it is emptied before children start playing outside.
- Our outdoor sand pit is covered when not in use and is cleaned regularly.
- All outdoor activities are supervised at all times.
- We are registered and regularly seek information from the Environmental Health Department and the Health Authority to ensure that we keep up-to-date with the latest recommendations.
- Our daily routines encourage the children to learn about personal hygiene.
- The playgroup has a thorough cleaning schedule that is adhered to and signed daily.
- We clean resources and equipment, dressing-up clothes and furnishings on a regular basis.
- The toilet area has a high standard of hygiene including hand washing and drying facilities and the disposal of nappies.
- We implement good hygiene practices by:
- Cleaning tables between activities
- Cleaning toilets regularly
- Wearing protective clothing – such as aprons and disposable gloves – as appropriate
- Providing sets of clean clothes
- Providing tissues and wipes
- Dettol/sanitizer spray and wipes
We have a COSHH file of all products we use.
Activities and resources
- Before purchases, equipment and resources are checked to ensure that they are safe for the ages and stages of the children currently attending the setting.
- The layout of play equipment allows adults and children to move safely and freely between activities.
- All equipment is regularly checked for cleanliness and safety and any dangerous items are repaired or discarded.
- All materials, including paint and glue, are non-toxic.
- Sand is clean and suitable for children’s play.
- Physical play is constantly supervised.
- Children are taught to handle and store tools safely.
- Children who are sleeping are checked regularly.
- Children learn about health, safety and personal hygiene through the activities we provide and the routines we follow.
- Any faulty equipment is removed from use and is repaired. If it cannot be repaired, it is discarded.
Since the outbreak of Coronavirus Health and Safety measures have been stepped up:
– Enhanced risk assessments
– Providing of more PPE for staff
– Ensuring staff are comfortable in their working environment and the guidelines in place. Staff are responsible for their own Covid safety measures and are expected to follow guidelines.
– On returning to work after time off due to Covid/lockdown/furlough/isolating, all staff were asked a collection of health and wellbeing questions to establish how each felt about their return to work and expectations of guidelines within the setting.
– Enhanced routines of washing hands for children and staff
– Visitors or parents are not allowed into the setting unless exceptional circumstances and then they will only be in a restricted area and their temperatures will be taken and recorded.
– More enhanced cleaning of all aspects of the setting.
Published: 11th September 2024
Review: September 2025
© Jack in the Box Playgroup Limited trading as Jack in the Box Preschool.