At Jack in the Box, no child is excluded from participating in our setting who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained and who may still be wearing nappies or equivalent.  We work with parents towards toilet training, unless there are medical or other developmental reasons why this may not be appropriate at the time.

We make necessary adjustments to our bathroom provision and hygiene practice in order to accommodate children who are not yet toilet trained.

We see toilet training as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support and non-judgemental concern of adults.

  • All staff whether male or female will change nappies, clothing and help with the toileting of all the children.
  • All staff is aware of the stages of toilet training for each child and their requirements.
  • Trainer pants or ‘pull ups’ are recommended and preferred as soon as the child is comfortable with this and the parents agree. We do ask for consistency once the toilet training process has started so as to not confuse the child, flitting between pants and nappies is not helpful.
  • Changing areas are warm and there are safe areas to lay young children if they need to have their bottoms cleaned.
  • Gloves are put on before changing starts and areas are prepared.
  • All staff is familiar with the hygiene procedures and carries these out when changing nappies.
  • Staff ensure that nappy changing is relaxed and a time to promote independence in young children.
  • Young children are encouraged to take an interest in using the toilet; they may just want to sit on it and talk to a friend who is also using the toilet.
  • They should also be encouraged to wash their hands and have soap and towels to hand.
  • Staff are gentle when changing; they avoid pulling faces and making negative comments about ‘nappy contents’.
  • Staff do not make inappropriate comments about young children’s genitals when changing their nappies.
  • Older children access the toilet when they have the need to and are encouraged to be independent.
  • Nappies and pull ups are disposed of hygienically, bagged and put into nappy bin. Ordinary pants or clothes that have been wet or soiled are bagged for the parents to take home as we don’t have washing facilities. If, however the soiling is too bad, staff may make the decision to throw the pants away, depending on the time of day and if the child is going home soon or not.
  • Mobile phones, cameras or any other recording device are not permitted in the toilet area at any time.
  • Nappy changes and accidents (wetting or soiling) are recorded.
  • Parents are expected to provide nappies and wipes for their child, failure to do so and a nappy has to be provided by the setting, a cost of £2 per nappy will be charged.
  • Children’s safeguarding needs to be balanced with their privacy. When children are having their nappies changed, or are learning to use the toilet, a member of staff has to be present. However, consideration needs to be given to who else is present and what can be seen. It is important to respect children’s privacy wherever this is possible, without compromising on safeguarding.

NB If young children are left in wet or soiled nappies/pull ups in the setting this may constitute neglect and will be a disciplinary matter.  Settings have a duty of care towards children’s personal needs.

Published: 11th September 2024
Review: September 2025
© Jack in the Box Playgroup Limited trading as Jack in the Box Preschool.